
Scientific Publications
Goldbach, J. & Kölsch, E. (1987) Beobachtungen über den Einfluß von klonierten Mls-reaktiven T-Zellen auf die Differenzierung von Makrophagen. (oral presentation); 11th Workshop of North-German Immunologist, Forschungsinstitut Borstel
Goldbach, J., Prahl, H., Stäb, F., Steinhausen, D. & Kölsch, E. (1988) Multidirectionale Interaction in vitro between Lymphoid Cells from Mls-disparate Strains. Immunobiology, 177: 171-185
Goldbach, J., Kirchner, H. & Kölsch, E. (1988) Production of Interferon gamma in Mls-disparate Interactions. XX. Meeting of the German Society of Immunologie. Immunobiology, 178: 17
Goldbach, J., Kirchner, H. & Kölsch, E. (1988) Multidirectional Interactions in a Mls-disparate Response. J. Immunogenetics, 15: 145-152
Goldbach, J., Kirchner, H. & Kölsch, E. (1988) Production of Interferon gamma in Mls-disparate Interactions. Scand. J. Immunol., 28: 529-535
Goldbach, J., Klewes, L. & Prehm, P. (1989) Die eukaryontische Hyaluronatsynthase. (oral presentation), Symposium des Sonderforschungsbereichs 310 in Münster
Goldbach, J., Miehlke, R., Schneider, M. & Prehm, P. (1989); Synthesis and Degradation of Hyaluronic Acid by Synovial Macrophages.Herbsttagung der Gesellschaft für Biologische Chemie. Biological Chemistry Hoppe-Seyler, 370: 901
Kolbe, L., Goldbach, J., Heusser, C. & Kölsch, E. (1990) Untersuchung zur Steuerung der Induktion Phospholipase A-spezifischer IgE-Antikörper. (oral presentation) 14th Workshop of North-German Immunologist; Forschungsinstitut Borstel
Goldbach, J., Roters, F.-J. & Hoffmann, H.-G. (1993) AZT treatment in early stages of HIV infection in Germany; 9th International Conference on AIDS, Berlin, (Abstract, Poster)
Goldbach, J. (1994) Erfahrungen mit AZT.Münch. med. Wschr. 136:12
Rieckemann, B., Goldbach, J., Roters, F.-J. & Hoffmann, H.-G. (1994) Anwendungsbeobachtung zur AZT-Frühtherapie, 5th German Conference on AIDS, Hannover, (Abstract, Poster), AIDS-FORSCHUNG, 11: 627
Steinkamp, G., Goldbach, J. & Hoffmann, H.-G. (1994) Atovaquon (Wellvone) bei PcP und Toxoplasmose, 5th German Conference on AIDS, Hannover, (Abstract, Poster), AIDS-FORSCHUNG 11: 615
Goldbach, J. (1996) Kapitel: Epidemiologie, Virus, Diagnostik, Vakzine, Studienübersicht.
In: HIV und Aids - Ein Leitfaden für Ärzte, Helfer und Betroffene. HIV-Arbeitskreis, Rhein-Main-Neckar und Deutsche Aids-Hilfe, Berlin, (sponsored by GlaxoWellcome); KMB Verlagsgesellschaft, ISBN-3-928250-09-4
Goldbach, J. (1996) Kapitel: Antiretrovirale Therapie. In: HIV-Infektion - AIDS. Engst, R. & Ring J., Dermatologische Klinik und Poliklinik am Biederstein der Technischen Universität München (sponsored by GlaxoWellcome)
Goldbach, J. (1996) Observational trial, ...zur Therapie früher Stadien der HIV-Infektion, 6. Deutscher Aids-Kongreß, München, (Abstract, Poster), Infektionsepidemiologische Forschung, Sonderheft, B/96 :82
Goldbach, J. (1996) Produktinformation RetrovirÒ und EpivirÒ, Glaxo Wellcome GmbH & Co, Hamburg, Medizin & Markt GmbH, München
Goldbach, J. (1997) Produktinformation WellvoneÒ , Glaxo Wellcome GmbH & Co, Hamburg, Medizin & Markt GmbH, München
Goldbach, J. (1997) Kapitel: Antiretrovirale Therapie. In: HIV-Infektion - AIDS. Engst, R. & Ring J., Dermatologische Klinik und Poliklinik am Biederstein der Technischen Universität München (sponsored by GlaxoWellcome)
Goldbach, J. (1998) Kapitel: Epidemiologie, Virus, Diagnostik, Vakzine, Studienübersicht. In: HIV und Aids - Ein Leitfaden für Ärzte, Helfer und Betroffene. Deutsche Aids-Hilfe e.V.; HIV-Arbeitskreis Südwest, Mannheim. (sponsored by GlaxoWellcome); 3. Auflage, ISBN 3-540-63932-2, Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 1998
Bickel, M., Rickerts, V., Klauke, S., Gould, J., Goldbach, J., Miller, V., Staszewski, S. (2000) The PROTRA Study: To evaluate the safety and efficacy of Abacavir (ABC) and Efavirenz (EFV) when substituted for a PI in HIV-1 infected subjects treated with 2 NRTIs and a PI with plasma HIV-RNA levels below the limit of assay quantification. (Abstract, Poster), XIII International Conference on AIDS, Durban, SA
Bickel, M., Rickerts, V., Klauke, S., Gould, J., Goldbach, J., Miller, V., Staszewski, S. (2000) The PROTRA Study: Switch from PI to Abacavir (ABC) and Efavirenz (EFV) in HIV-1 Infected Adults Previously Treated with 2 NRTIs and a PI with Undetectable HIV-RNA Levels (vRNA). (Abstract, Poster), 40th ICAAC, Toronto, Canada
Gölz, J., Moll, A., Tischbirek, K., Ulmer, A., Gehring, P., Mondorf, W., Gute, P., Locher, L., Goldbach, J. (2001) Retrospective Data Analysis of 242 Mostly Pretreated Patients Receiving an Efavirenz Based Treatment at 6 German Institutions. (Abstract, Poster) 8. Deutscher AIDS-Kongress, Berlin
Lauenroth-Mai, E., Schlote, F., Arastéh, K., Goldbach, J. (2001) Antiretrovirale Kombinationstherapie mit Efavirenz (EFV): Einfluss zentralnervöser Nebenwirkungen auf Lebensqualität und Befindlichkeit in den ersten Wochen nach Behandlungsbeginn. (Abstract, Poster) 8. Deutscher AIDS-Kongress, Berlin
Kurowski, M., Sternfeld, T., Goldbach, J., Möcklinghoff, C. (2001) Minor interaction between Efavirenz and Saquinavir, when combined with small doses of Ritonavir in a QD regimen. (Abstract, Poster) 8th European Conference on Clinical Aspects and Treatment of HIV-Infection, Athens, Greece
Eskoetter H., Gerken F., Haubrich A., Goldbach J. (2003) Switching to nevirapine from an insufficient protease inhibitor-containing regimen offers a therapeutic opportunity (Abstract, Poster) 9th European AIDS Conference, Warsaw, Poland
Goldbach J. (2004) Warum so viele Substanzen scheitern – der lange Weg bis zur Zulassung (Vortrag) 10. Münchner AIDS-Tage, München, Germany
Goldbach J., Kraft M., Eskoetter H., (2005) Rationale and Design of a German Open-Label Study to Assess the Safety of Tipranavir Co-administered with Low-Dose Ritonavir (TPV/r) in Patients with Advanced HIV-1 Infection and Limited Treatment Options (Abstract P144, Poster) 10. Deutscher und 16. Österreichischer AIDS-Kongress, Vienna, Austria
Goldbach J., Eskoetter H. , Gerken F., Knechten H., (2005) Switching from protease inhibitor- or efavirenz-containing regimens to nevirapine-containing regimens provides durable virological and immunological results as well as an improvement in the lipid profile in HIV-1 infected adults (Abstract P143, Poster) 10. Deutscher und 16. Österreichischer AIDS-Kongress, Vienna, Austria
Eskoetter H., Goldbach J., Lichtenstein Z., Mauss S., Glaessel F., Gerken F., Knechten H., (2005) Combined 12-month data analysis of two observational cohort studies including patients switching to nevirapine-containing regimens provides durable virologic and immunological results as well as a positive impact on the lipid profile in HIV-1 infected adults (Abstract PE7.3/1, Poster), 10th European AIDS Conference / EACS, Dublin, Ireland.
Goldbach J., Kraft M., Mauss S., Moll A., Theobald T., Eskoetter H., (2006) Baseline data of the German open label safety study with Tipranavir combined with low dose Ritonavir in triple class experienced patients, with resistant virus to multiple PIs. (submitted) 10th HIV Conference, 11-17 November, Glasgow, Scotland.
Goldbach J., Moll A., Esser S., Theobald T., Mauss S., van Lunzen J., and Eskoetter H., (2007) Efficacy Data of the German open-label study to assess the safety of tipranavir co-administered with low-dose ritonavir (TPV/r) in patients with advanced HIV-1 infection and limited treatment options. Deutsch-Österreichischer AIDS Kongress (DÖAK), (Abstract, Poster), Frankfurt, 27-30 June, Eur. J. Med. Res. 12 (Suppl II) p. 91
Schewe K. , Adam A., Goldbach J., Weitner L., (2007), Duration of NNRTI treatment after switch to a first Nevirapine- or Efavirenz-containing regimen. An observational cohort analysis. Deutsch-Österreichischer AIDS Kongress (DÖAK), (Abstract, Poster), Frankfurt, 27-30 June, Eur. J. Med. Res. 12 (Suppl II) p. 86, 2007
Klauke S., Cairns V., Goldbach J. (2008), Interimanalyse der nicht interventionellen Anwendungsbeobachtung (AWB) mit Viramune und Truvada nach 12 Monaten Behandlung. BI 1100.1492. 12. Münchner AIDS-Tage – zu Gast in Berlin, (Vortrag), 14. – 16. März 2008, Berlin, Germany
Goldbach J., Lichtenstein Z., Bieniek B., Glaessel F., Gerken F., (2008), 36-months data analysis of a non-interventional observational cohort study including patients switching to nevirapine-containing regimens provides durable virological and immunological results as well as a positive impact on the lipid profile in HIV-1 infected adults. (Abstract, Poster TUPE0071), XVII International Conference on AIDS, 02-08 August 2008, Mexico City, Mexico.
Esser S., Moll A., Cairns V., Jaeger H., Mauss S., van Lunzen J. and Goldbach J., (2008), Safety and efficacy of tipranavir co-administered with low-dose ritonavir (TPV/r) in patients with advanced HIV-1 infection and limited treatment options: data from the German open-label study (Expanded Access Program), (Abstract, Poster P041), 9th International Congress on Drug Therapy in HIV Infection, 09 –13 November 2008, Glasgow, UK
Klauke s., Cairns V. and Goldbach J., (2009), Interim-analysis (24 months) of a non-interventional cohort study of patients treated with nevirapine in combination with fixed-dose tenofovir plus emtricitabine (Abstract, Poster), 12th European AIDS Conference / EACS, 11 – 18 November 2009, Cologne, Germany
Feiterna-Sperling C., Walter H., Wahn V., Kleinkauf N. and Goldbach J., (2009), Successful substitution of enfuvirtide by raltegravir in a regimen with ritonavir-boosted tipranavir plus background therapy in a paediatric patient. (Abstract submitted) 12th European AIDS Conference / EACS, 11 – 18 November 2009, Cologne, Germany
Van Lunzen J., Fätkenheuer G., Lutz T., Klauke S., Mauss S., Knechten H., Braun P., Gallo L., Goldbach J., (2010), Efficacy and Safety of TDF/FTC-containing First Line HAART in Clinical Practice – Three Years Data from the German Outpatient Cohort. 10th International Congress on Drug Therapy in HIV Infection, 07 –11 November 2010, Glasgow, UK
Goldbach, J. ,(2011), Kapitel: Neue antiretrovirale Substanzen. In: HIV und Aids - Ein Leitfaden für Ärzte, Helfer und Betroffene. HIV Arbeitskreis Südwest, Karlsruhe, sponsored by Boehringer Ingelheim GmbH & Co. KG;
Goldbach, J. ,(2011), Erinnerung an eine therapeutische Innovation, HIV&more, Sonderausgabe „Zeitzeugen“, p 14-15, 2011
Wolf E., Haberl A.E., Goldbach J., Schoene K., Weigmann H., Hoffmann C., More insights into long-term exposure to nevirapine for more than a decade - results from a German non-interventional study -, Poster 239, Deutsch-Österreichischer AIDS Kongress, June 12-15, 2013, Innsbruck, Austria
Goldbach J., Haberl A., Usadel S., Schoene K., Weigmann H., Non-interventional observational study with nevirapine plus antiretroviral backbone combination in HIV-infected women and male patients. Gender specific evaluation of data. Deutsch-Österreichischer AIDS Kongress, June 24-27, 2015, Duesseldorf, Germany
Goldbach J., Dupke S., Schoene K., Mettler U., Non-interventional observational study of nevirapine in various drug combinations for antiretroviral combination treatment of HIV-infected patients. Deutsch-Österreichischer AIDS Kongress, June 24-27, 2015, Duesseldorf, Germany
Goldbach J. , Wie kommt der „state of the art“ zum Patienten?, Deutsch-Österreichischer AIDS Kongress, HIV&more, Ausgabe September 2015.
Stoll M., Gokhale S., Balkin P., Goldbach J., Weber P., Peetroons B., Budget impact model (BIM) highlighting the cost-saving appropriateness of generic tenofovir disoproxil (Gx-TD) based regimen in comparison to tenofovir alafenamide (TAF) based regimen in the German healthcare system, Poster BPD1/1, 16th European AIDS Conference, October 25-27, 2017, Milan, Italy
Stoll M., Balkin P., Goldbach J., Weber P., Peetroons B., Gokhale S., Budget impact model (BIM) highlighting the cost-saving appropriateness of generic tenofovir disoproxil (Gx-TD) based regimen in comparison to tenofovir alafenamide (TAF) based regimen in the German healthcare system, Journal of AIDS & Clinical Research 9:1, 2018
Presenting only:
Clark A., Asmuth D., Chabria S., Pierce A., Ackermann P., Wang M., Du F., Jeffrey J.L., Goldbach J., Lataillade M., Long-term inflammation biomarker changes with fostemsavir in heavily treatment-experienced adults with hiv-1: exploratory analyses of the phase 3 BRIGHTE study, Poster P085,
DGI-DZIF Joint Annual Meeting; June 1-3, 2022; Stuttgart, Germany